It’s a teaser, a workshop, a performance, and so much more!
“Bringing the Improvaneers to Minnesota was well worth it and left us wanting more. The Improvaganza Workshop was such an amazing experience for the participants. In just a few short hours we saw changes in confidence and voice projection, flexible thinking, team work, and eye contact. If gains can be made in just 3 hours...imagine what could happen if we brought the full program here?!?”
— Sarah Curfman Executive Director Down syndrome Association of Minnesota
What is an ImprovaGanza!?
Many times, before deciding to purchase the Improvaneer Method program, an organization or parents/caregivers may want to test drive it first. That’s the purpose of an ImprovaGanza!. We come to town and provide a two hour workshop with as many participants as possible, followed by a thirty minute performance, and a thirty minute presentation and Q & A. We can do this for the adult age group(16+) and the youth (11-15) with separate ImprovaGanzas!.
The outcome works for everyone and it builds a ton of enthusiasm for the participants, the parents/caregivers, and the organizations who can now assess the cost benefit of bringing in the full program. Plus we get to meet more friends. Win. Win. Win. Win!
Down syndrome Association of Northeast Ohio ImprovaGanza